Almirall recovers of financial losses and obtains 27,3 million profit in first semester of 2022

26 of July of 2022

The pharmaceutical company recovers and has announced that during this first semester has obtained a profit of 27,3 million euros. Besides, the gross result of exploitation has increased 21,2% in relation to the past year and has reached the 107,6 million euros. This means a recomposing for the organisation after the losses of 42,8 million euros during the first semester of 2021.

Almirall has reach also an increase in his figure of sales, that comes given by an increase (+22%) of them in the European continent, but by a descent of 25,5% of pertinent income of United States. The descent of income involves, obviously, a descent of sales so much in sales 'core', as in sales of dermatology. The situation that crosses Almirall in the American country is not optimum for the company, as they indicate the results published in his last report. It has happened to add sales by value of 10,7 million euros in the first semester of 2021, to 3,4 million euros in the same period, but in 2022.

Regarding the dermatology, supposes for Almirall 48% of his sales, but is surpassed by the area of the general medicine and products without recipe. His more sold products have been Ilumetri, a medicine for the psoriasis, that has reached some sales of 57,6 million euros in the first semester, more than 55% with regard to the past year. Solaraze, is the second medicine with more sales, that has invoiceed in this first part of the year 9,5 millions.

Almirall, that has almost 1.800 employees, is conscious of the importance that supposes in the pharmaceutical sector the R&D, thus, has allocated 44 million euros in the first semester, although it foresees a future growth of the capital invested thanks to the studies phase IIIb of lebrikizumab, the studies 'large field' of Klisyri, as well as the increase of the cost in active in phases more initial like the anti IL-1RAP.

In spite of the descent of the sales in U.S., the company has reiterated that has good forecasts with regard to the second part of the 2022 thanks to the "good evolution" of the business during this first-half of the year.