Perfumery and cosmetics sales increase by more than 12% by 2023

According to the latest STANPA study, cosmetics sales exceeded 10 billion euros

31 of May of 2024
The sales of cosmetics and perfumery increase in Spain in 2023
The sales of cosmetics and perfumery increase in Spain in 2023

Perfumery and cosmetics sales continue to grow in 2023 and dodge market uncertainty. According to the latest report published by the National Association of Perfumery and Cosmetics, the purchase of cosmetics, personal care products and perfumery continues to triumph among Spaniards. 

The perfumery and cosmetics sector in Spain closed 2023 with an evolution of over 12% and for the first time surpassed the 10,400 million euro barrier. For yet another year, the most important and fastest-growing category is skin care. Of the total 10.4 billion euros in the world of cosmetics and perfumery, skin care accounts for 3.4 billion euros.  Within skin care, one of the subcategories that has increased in 2023 has been sun care, with a 19% growth compared to last year. Perfume, on the other hand, contributed more than 2,000 million euros and grew by almost 14% compared to 2022. In 2023, each Spaniard's investment in cosmetic products also increased to more than 200 euros, up to 206 euros, which is 21 euros more than last year. 

In the case of perfumery, STANPA highlights that consumers prioritise high-end products, especially in the case of men's perfumery. Specifically in perfumery, the physical point of sale is predominant thanks to the recommendation of professionals within the purchasing process, although the online channel remains in a stable position with 8.4 million e-beauty buyers. 

Spain consolidates its position as an exporter of cosmetics, perfumery and personal care products 

2023 has also been a year of consolidation for Spain as an exporter of cosmetics, perfumery and personal care. Spain has reached 7.7 billion euros in exports of perfumery, a figure that includes essential oils. In 2022, exports registered a figure of 6.5 billion euros. Perfumery exports have increased by 71% in Oceania and 45% in Europe. Meanwhile, skin care exports grew by 35% in Oceania and 34% in Latin America. Exports related to hair care have also grown by 31% and, on the other hand, North America is the region where colour cosmetics have grown the most with 45%.

Perfumery and cosmetics is a category with a higher export figure than footwear, olive oil or wine

The cosmetics, perfumery and personal care sector contributes 0.94% of the national GDP and contributes more than 5.2 billion euros to the State. In terms of employment, our sector provides nearly 300,000 jobs: 42,000 direct and 250,000 indirect. In Spain there are more than 15,000 specialised perfumeries, 22,300 professional beauty centres, 50,000 perfumery salons and more than 22,000 pharmacies and parapharmacies. This last channel has also experienced an increase in sales in 2023, with the increase in sales related to skin care products being the most significant with more than 16%.  In this case, the most popular products are those related to dermopharmacy, especially products related to sun protection and other high-end products for facial care.