Acofarma supports the creation of a hospital pharmacy in Senegal

Acofarma wants to promote the local manufacture of drugs and medicine and fight against the desabastecimiento

13 of February of 2023
Hospital of Senegal
Hospital of Senegal

As reported by the pharmaceutical laboratory located in the Catalan city of Terrassa, Acofarma has donated the necessary raw materials to launch a formulation laboratory at the Saint John of God Hospital in Thiès, Senegal. Thiès is the third most important city in the country and the donation is mostly made up of compounds for preparing pediatric syrups and capsules.

LASEMI Cooperation (the section of the Spanish Society of Individualized Medicine dedicated to social responsibility) has pointed out that the lack of medicines is a problem that constantly affects the country.

Francesc Balletbó, CEO of Acofarma, has highlighted the high quality standards, safety, and guarantees of a top-level pharmaceutical laboratory.

The project, as explained by Acofarma, is based on imposing a system where quality is paramount throughout the entire process of creating medicines. This is a plan that is expected to extend until 2024 and that began in 2022. Among some of the initiatives that have been carried out is the elaboration of their own pharmacotherapeutic guide where all this data is collected and made available to the different hospital services. This guide is constantly updated to know what drugs are available, the raw materials stored, the formulas that can be prescribed...

Finally, from LASEMI, they point out that it is a project that could be duplicated and have praised the role of the San Juan de Dios Hospital, which is managed by the Juan Ciudad Foundation, created by the Order of St. John of God: "there are possibilities of duplicating the project in another center of the same order later on when this one is already established" said Martin Muñoz, a member of the board of LASEMI Cooperation.