The past Tuesday 13 September celebrated the delivery of the prizes "Celebrate Innovation". It treats of an initiative of Cantabria Labs that incude in the frame of the research of solutions through the investigation and the emprendimiento that pursue the improvement of the health of the people.
The lemma of this first edition was 'Celebrate Life in Medical Science' and celebrated in his centre eco-sustainable in the Cantabrian community. There, they gave appointment researchers, organisations and entrepeneurs that assisted to receive his recognition by his transformative and innovative solutions.
The pharmaceutical company chose to the best initiatives under three basic requirements that they were established like the criteria of evaluation: innovation, sustainability and potential of development. The Committee of Evaluation was the one who commissioned to value the projects and was composed by representatives of the same organisation, dermatologists, leaders of opinion, chairs of University specialists in the distinct areas and institutions, like the University of Alcalá.
The winners
The projects chosen like rewarded by the Committee of Evaluation have been recognised with a prize in metallic, and also with the possibility to carry out his project with the help and the collaboration of Cantabria Labs.
In the category of 'Fotobiología' chose two winners:
- Jesús Sword: Researcher Senior in the Hospital Paz Institute for Health Research and CEO and founder of Skin Target BD SL.
- Kristie Tanner: Project Manager in Darwin Brioprospecting Excellence with his new fotoprotector based in combinations of existent pigments in microorganisms extremófilos.

In the category of 'Acne':
- María José Fábrega Fernández: CSO and Co-Founder of 'Synflora and Postdoctoral Scientist' in University Pompeu Fabra by 'Synflora', a platform that uses the biotechnology with the aim to adapt microorganisms that free compound active that improve the disorders of the skin with tendency with acne.

In 'Dermatology':
- Dolores Serrano: researcher of the group of formulation and bio-disponibility of new medicines in the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, centred in the use of transferosomes and systems self-nanoemulsifying for the release directed of active further of the stratum corneum..
And, to finish, the last category has been the 'Special Prize of Immunology':
- Olga Durany Turk: CEO/CTO in 'Gat Biosciences' by his project in reference to the boarding of chronic disorders autoimmune and inflammatory of the skin through antimicrobic peptides.

The next edition will celebrate in 2023, and the announcement will open also then, with the strong objective to be a support in matter of innovation. Susana Rodríguez, CEO of Cantabria Labs, has showed happy by the received received in this first edition: "we Are very happy with the received that has had this first announcement of the Prizes 'Celebrate Innovation' between the sanitary community, researcher and scientific. The projects that have received have shined by his transformative approach and are very happy to be able to deliver these endowments to promote them in a model open innovation."