'Clarel Senses' installs in Madrid

This new location turns into the fifth shop of 'Clarel Senses'

21 of December of 2022
New shop of Clarel Senses in Madrid

Just like 'Clarel' did it in the month of November in Zaragoza, now, in December, has been the turn of the Spanish capital. 'Clarel Senses' has opened its new point of sale in Madrid, following the new model that already incorporate the others branches of Zaragoza (two), Barcelona (two) and Madrid.

The main difference with the others shops, 'Clarel' is the experience of purchase of the user. 'Clarel Senses' Incorporates a 'Beauty Room' where the customers will be able to advise in addition to buy the products. As in Saragossa, will be able to enjoy of services like the manicure, the pedicure and also the advice of a nutritionist. Inside the 'Beauty Room' also made treatments like the lifting of eyelashes, the Korean facial routine of 10 steps, the dye of eyebrows or technical of microblanding and services of make-up.

'Beauty Room' Of 'Clarel Senses'

In the new establishment is presented by 'Clarel', the pertaining mark to 'DIA', like "a friendly space in which feel you to taste with you" . In these shops will commercialise marks as 'Eau of Rochas', 'L'Occitane' and 'Weleda', 'NAM' and 'NeSk'.

The shop of Madrid is situated in the street Duque of Alba of Madrid and is opened of Monday to Sunday. The inauguration had the presence of two faces known of the world of the television with the presence of Nuria Roca and Melissa Jiménez.