Cosmetic Valley wants to grow in the next 5 years and will follow a new strategic plan

The new branding of the French beauty and perfumery cluster is defined by the aim of acquiring a new positioning and achieving new priorities in the next 5 years

07 of March of 2023
Cosmetic Valley

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the founding of Cosmetic Valley in February, a new growth strategy was announced for both present 2023 and the future. As stated by the association itself, this will be the priority for the French beauty cluster.

The event in which they announced this new direction was held at the Palace of Versailles, and this strategic change also includes a modification of the logo and the new message they want to convey: "the beating heart of the world cosmetics industry." In this way, they want to position the French cosmetics sector as the epicenter of the industry.

They have highlighted the five priorities they hope to achieve in the next 5 years: building and establishing "win-win" public-private partnerships with local, national, and European authorities. The second objective will be in line with ongoing research and development efforts, including strategies focused on decarbonization, circular economy, and digital transformation. The third will be to boost jobs in the cosmetics sector and tackle labor shortages currently facing the industry. Related to the previous objective, strengthening the impact of events organized by Cosmetic Valley, including the annual Paris-based trade show Cosmetic 360 and the cluster's Cosmetic Victories awards, will become the fourth priority and objective to achieve for the cluster. Finally, consolidating international communication operations around "Made in France". Cosmetic Valley's newly minted communication motto, "France Cares For Your Skin," is the basis for an ambitious international communications strategy, according to the cluster.

Another of the projects and initiatives that wants to implement Cosmetic Valley is the launching of, in addition to another tool of the cluster that serve like platform of employment to put to disposal of the professionals of the vacant cosmetic sector and places of work, as well as courses and trainings to their disposal.

The association also has done express his wish to create the 'Cosmetic Week' after signing an agreement with Ile-of-France in the month of January of this same 2023. This new event, wants to inspire in the Fashion Week, by what in this Cosmetic Week, will include different locations, demonstrations and workshops with the clear aim to enhance the visibility of the cosmetic industry French on an international scale.

Cosmetics Europe Presented COSMILE to struggle against the desinformación

The past month of February, Cosmetics Europe, put to disposal of the European citizens a tool to facilitate to the European citizen the query and knowledge of more 30.000 references in how much to ingredients and active cosmetics. From Cosmetics Europe propose to COSMILE like an effective solution, fast, truthful, with reliable information and backed scientifically of more than 30.000 elements employed for the cosmetic use.

This new database for and by the cosmetic sector is available in 14 languages, of public access, by what the users will be able to know, besides, which is the function of each one of the references that include in this initiative promoted and created by the association of cosmetic European. In the communiqué issued by the same association, John Chave, General Director of Cosmetics Europe has explained that it is an advance for the cosmetic industry owing to the big disinformation and infoxication that gives in the current society: "there is an avalanche of information on cosmetics in Internet and this hampers to know that sources are verdicts. The cosmetic industry and of personal care of Europe wants to offer and offer to the European citizens to facilitate the access to a truthful information, real and scientifically contrasted in matter of cosmetic ingredients."