Lush opens a new shop in Saragossa

This new inauguration answers to the strategy of European expansion of the British mark

06 of September of 2022
LUSH new open in Zaragoza
LUSH new open in Zaragoza

On 9 September, Lush, will be of celebration. The company of cool and handmade cosmetic will open a new shop in Saragossa that will situate in Port Venecia, the one who is the greater commercial destination and of leisure of Spain. From Lush chose this location because it existed a big catchword by part of the customers that wanted a physical point of sale of the mark. On 8 September, the fans of the mark, will be able to enjoy of an exclusive event that will celebrate previous to his opening. This new space has an useful surface of 84m2 and wants to attain the satisfaction of the customer providing him an experience of personalised purchase. Beatriz Juan, Retail Manager of Spain and Portugal, has declared that with this new opening, fulfils a wish of the company: "For Lush, this is a key opening inside the plan of European expansion since it allows us be presents in Port Venecia, the greater commercial destination and of leisure of Spain and fulfil the wish of our Aragonese community to go back to Saragossa".

Lush Wants to grow and wants to expand to European level, thus, will invest  8,9 million euros that will be allocated to stimulate the growth of the brand in the United Kingdom, Ireland and the European market during the fiscal year 2022-2023. With this outlay of money, the plans of Lush go through the opening of new shops, as well as relocate the existent so that have a better space and recondition some of his current points of sale to increase the size of some. By part of the company already have confirmed more than 30 projects, that have like deadline June of 2023.

One of the plans that handles the company of face to the next 2023, is to open a new flagship store in Glasgow. This same summer, and also in United Kingdom, Lush duplicated the size of his shop of Bluewater (United Kingdom), that opened his doors the past 5 July. To day of today, Lush has a network of more than 930 establishments all over the world and also operates through agreements of licence with distributors in more than twenty countries, between which find United States, Canada, Switzerland, Russia, Chile, South Korea, Dubai, Singapore or Mexico, among others.