MAC Cosmetics confronts to class action of course keyboard monitoring

Several consumers allege that Mac Cosmetics has monitored of illegal way his movement in the web of the company

10 of August of 2022
NIB Artículos a retocar
NIB Artículos a retocar

Top Class Actions published the past 3 August, that the company of cosmetic Mac Cosmetics has been sued by some of his consumers. The user alleges that the company devoted on sale of make-up and cosmetic products watched and recorded secretly, and of illegal way, the movements of the potential customers in his web page.

The demand was presented by Sonya Valenzuela the past 1 August in front of a court of California and alleges the rape of the Law of Invasion of the Privacy of California and the Penal Code of California. As it confessed Valenzuela, without that she knew it, in the website of deployed secretly a software of "monitoring of keystroke" that used to "intercept, monitor and record the communications, included the keystroke of the keyboard and the clicks of the mouse of all the visitors". According to the plaintiff, the website did not have the permission neither his consent before the supposed recordings.

This demand is totally identical to the one of another user, Arisha Byars, that casually presented the resource the same day but to another distinct company, Goodyear Throw, also in front of the court of California. In the case of Byars, exposed that, in his case, the website used purportedly a sophisticated program of "chatbot" that passed off as a real human and that encouraged to the consumers to share his personal information

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