One in two women say menopause affects their daily lives

mesoestetic® and Dexeus have conducted a survey of a sample of women between 40 and 70 years of age

26 of February of 2025

One in two women say that the symptoms associated with menopause affect their daily lives. And although they recognize that, thanks to advances in women's rights, they feel more and more comfortable and empowered to talk about this stage in a more natural and normalized way, there is still a lot of misinformation and lack of knowledge about many issues related to this vital moment.

Mainly, there is a lack of information regarding solutions and treatments for many of the discomforts and problems related to this stage, such as vasomotor disorders, vulvovaginal dryness and atrophy -and, consequently, pain during sexual intercourse-, memory loss or lack of concentration, mood swings, sleep disorders and even associated pathologies, such as urinary incontinence, joint pain, depression or osteoporosis.

These are some of the main conclusions of a study carried out by the Dexeus Mujer center and mesoestetic® based on a survey of 827 women between 40 and 70 years of age living in Barcelona. Of these, 526 are patients of the center itself, they are 54.5 years old on average and 94% go at least once a year to the gynecologist for a check-up. In contrast, only 56% of non-patients, who are somewhat younger (average age 53.2 years), make an annual visit to the gynecologist.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of menopause on their quality of life, as well as to find out first-hand what the symptoms, knowledge and main concerns of women are regarding menopause throughout all its stages: before they start to notice the first symptoms (premenopause), the previous period (perimenopause), the entry into menopause itself and the postmenopause. For this reason, the survey aimed to cover a broad age profile.

Another important aspect that the interviewees emphasize in a transversal way is the feeling of loneliness with which they are going through or have gone through these stages, especially when they begin to experience the first symptoms. In addition, they consider that socially the term menopause continues to carry negative connotations and a certain stigma, which is why it is often avoided in social discourse. 

Main symptoms and worries, by stages

In the age range in which the survey was carried out, 40-70 years, very different life situations coexist, and although, according to the Spanish Association for the Study of Menopause (AEEM) the average age in Spain at which menopause occurs is 51 years, its onset, symptoms and evolution can vary greatly from one woman to another. In addition, once menopause has been entered, symptoms and discomfort can be maintained from 5 to 10 years later. On the other hand, there are women in whom menopause occurs prematurely or much earlier than would be expected - this is called early ovarian failure - or as a consequence of breast or gynecological cancer and its treatment.

In order to correctly interpret the results of the survey, it is important to point out that the patients of Dexeus Mujer are more aware of the changes that this stage entails, because our center is dedicated exclusively to women's health, and therefore directly or indirectly they have received somewhat more information. Meanwhile, in the group of non-patients, many assume some changes with resignation because they do not know that there are treatments or believe that they are a consequence of age and the natural aging process.

In general, and ccording to the data that reveals the survey, the main worries of the women that still have not begun the menopause neither have symptoms –that would correspond to the stage of premenopausia– are the fear to the increase of weight, the sofocos, the anxiety or depression. The physical deterioration, the changes in the skin and the hair are other appearances that concern them.

REGARDING the symptomatology, in the phase of the menopause, stands out in the first place and in both groups of women the decrease of the sexual desire, the increase of weight, the sofocos and the disorders of the sleep.

Finally, in the postmenopausia, the dryness and the vaginal atrophy are more present, as well as the increase of weight. Other symptoms that experience are the decrease of the sexual desire and the problems of sleep. The ache during the sexual relations, the changes in the skin and in the hair, the urinary incontinence and the sofocos occupy a second place. But in general, practically the whole affirms to have one or more than some symptom.

Aim: integral approach to improve the quality of life

In front of this reality, and with the end to accompany to the women during this vital moment and improve his quality of life, Dexeus Woman in collaboration with mesoestetic® has decided to open a new centre in Barcelona devoted of exclusive form to the menopause, designated Dexeus Midlife. The collaboration with the pharmaceutical laboratory, which has 40 years of experience, makes sense to offer a comprehensive approach to women through treatments for problems related to skin changes, hair loss and other body image concerns.

The goal is to offer a personalized plan that is tailored to each patient's needs, with the help of regenerative and functional gynecology. Regenerative gynecology is a new subspecialty of gynecology that consists of applying various medical and surgical treatments to restore the physical appearance and functionality of the vagina, vulvar area and pelvic floor. It focuses mainly on the use of cellular regeneration techniques to improve the health and function of the female genital organs. Its main objective is to stimulate the body's natural ability to repair and regenerate damaged or aged tissues, using therapies that include growth factors, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), CO2 laser and radiofrequency, among other treatments.

The center also has experts in sexuality, sleep disorders and neuroimmunology to address the problem of mental fog and physical therapists.