Personal care products help 70% of Spaniards reinforce their image and well-being

64% of consumers believe that taking care of their image is even a way of loving oneself

14 of March of 2025
Personal care and cosmetics situation in Spain
Personal care and cosmetics situation in Spain

A study conducted by Kantar and Stanpa, 'Culture of Well-being: the Essentiality of Perfumery and Cosmetics in Spain' highlights the role of personal care products in reinforcing one's image, self-esteem, confidence, and personal expression. 

This study reveals that 64% of consumers believe that taking care of their image is even a way of loving oneself. Furthermore, 68% state that caring for personal image is essential. 

Personal care has become one of the main activities that Spaniards turn to for feeling good, second only to physical exercise and relaxation. 76% of respondents reaffirm that cosmetic and personal care products are present at all stages of life. 

The same study also confirms the importance of image in relation to the outside world: 72% of Spaniards have acknowledged that paying attention to their image is fundamental for a job interview. 68% consider it relevant in the workplace and 69% when exposing themselves in a new social environment. 

Cosmetics and perfumery adapt to society

The study conducted by Stanpa and Kantar reflects how the cosmetics, perfumery, and personal care sector has managed to adapt to the times, changes, and preferences of society. Around 80% of Spaniards in the study confirm that there are products for everyone, regardless of their age, gender, or ethnicity, thanks to the wide range of offerings available in Spain. 

Women continue to use more products than men. The male gender uses an average of about 5 cosmetic products in their daily routines, while women use 8.5. The most commonly used products for both genders are: toothpaste (94%), soap or shower gel (93%), deodorant (83%), shampoo (82%), perfume (59%), and facial care products (49%). Women dominate the skincare and hair care market, which has become a priority in their routines. 73% of them state that they feel better when they take care of their skin, and 83% of women under 35 claim that hair care is key to their confidence. 

Spain has a 'very healthy' use of cosmetics

The results of the study have shown that Spain is a country that uses cosmetics in a 'very healthy' way. 62% of Spaniards identify personal care products as a favorable solution for maintaining health and basic hygiene, and 77% believe it is better to use skincare products than to resort to cosmetic surgery. 

Another aspect included in this study is the safety of personal care products. 60% of consumers believe that their ingredients have been tested for safety, and 70% are unaware that the cosmetics industry has led the development of alternative methods in Europe that guarantee animal protection and well-being.