IED Barcelona celebrates its 20th anniversary with a round table

In the act will inaugurate an exhibition in which they will show the most stood out projects of the two decades of the institution

30 of November of 2022
IED Barcelona
IED Barcelona

El Centre Superior de Disseny de Barcelona (European Institute of Design) celebrates the next 1 December his 20 anniversary. To commemorate this so notable date, will carry out a series of activities that will initiate at 18:30h in the IED Barcelona Point One.

One of these initiatives that has organised IED is a round table, in which they will share opinions on which is the next course of the design. In this debate will participate, Riccardo Balbo, president of the Foundation Francesco Morelli and academic director of the Group IED, Pilar Pasamontes, scientific director of the fashionable area of IED, Sisón Pujol, CEO of 'Nomon Design' and president ADG Fad and Bern Donadeu, founder and design director of Nacar Design Agency. The round table will turn surroundings to how the strategic design and the training of the design can influence in the innovation of new models of the city of Barcelona, and will be moderated by the director of the IED Barcelona, Andrea Marchessi.

Later, it will inaugurate the exhibition "To collective dream", composed by the most stood out projects of the 20 years of the school elaborated by the own students. The projects that form part of this exhibition have selected under the criteria of sustainability in collaboration with Otzarreta Think & Make and Guarro Houses.

Once inaugurated the exhibition, from 2 December will be opened to the public with the idea to establish visits guided by means of to previous appointment.

Another of the representative acts celebrated by 'IED Barcelona' with reason of his 20 years in the Catalan city, went his parade 'Fashioners of the world' in the month of July, and took place in the Foundation Joan Looked of Barcelona. The photographer Manuel Outumuro signed 20 photographies in which they represented the past, the present and the future of the fashion of the hand of the institution, as well as the personalities recognised that have formed part of this organisation along his 20 years of life.