VM Cosmetic Group inaugurates new installations in Morocco

These installations of Morocco turn into his first delegation in the African continent

31 of May of 2024
VMV Group

VMV Cosmetics Group opens to Africa. The Spanish company of the industry of the beauty and the care capilar has inaugurated recently his new installations in Morocco. The new offices are situated strategically in Nouhacer, to an alone kilometro of the international airport of Casablanca Mohamed IV.

As it indicates the company, this turns into a very significant milestone for his path and is a step more in his global expansion. At present, VMV Cosmetics Group is present in more than 50 countries in United States, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, among others more than 1.600 workers.

The new installations have more than 1.500 square metres, the installations of Casablanca have a wide space devoted to the logistics and operations, with a warehouse of 1.125 square metres in the low plant. The new headquarters has 400 square metres allocated to offices, that comprise an elegant showroom, an academy of 120 square metres and areas of work for the administrative team.

VMV Cosmetics Group has chosen the location of Morocco like a strategic point that answers to the expansion of the group of cosmetic to establish in emergent markets with a high potential of growth. The headquarters situates to 27 kilometros of the centre and this facilitates the access to a wide base of customers and commercial partners in all the region.