ARTE: the business association created by Inditex, H&M, Mango, Primark, Iberian Sports Retail Group and Uniqlo in Spain

Primark, Inditex and H&M have decided to leave Acotex, the other textile employers

25 of January of 2023
ARTE the new manegament founded by Inditex and others big companies in Spain

Inditex, Mango, H&M, Primark, Iberian Sports Retail Group and Uniqlo have signed an agreement that has given place to the foundation of ARTE (Association Retail Textile Spain). As it published Europa Press, this new association has the aim to represent the textile sector Spanish.

As it exposes in the agency of news, "ARTE looks for to represent the general and common positions of the sector in the institutional field, and in particular, in his relation with the public administrations in his distinct levels and the representative sindical organisations of his workers."

By this way, these retailers have formed their own patronal and represent to a third of the sector with more than 50.000 workers and has developed to the margin of Acotex. As they indicate diverse media, the founders want to promote the freedom of company and of establishment, as well as the one of trade and commercial schedules, the unit of market and commitments in matter of social and environmental sustainability.

The association ART constituted in reality the past year, specifically on 14 November 2022 but did not set up and gave to know of official way until the first days of January of 2023. However, it fits to highlight that Inditex, H&M and Primark have decided to abandon Acotex and form this new business organisation and lead it in front of the future economic challenges, social, labour and regulators that crosses the textile sector.