The Made in Egypt showroom achieves a record participation in Catalan fashion

Catalan fashion companies are turning to more local suppliers due to transport challenges from Asia and environmental regulations

15 of May of 2024

The Catalan Fashion Cluster (Modacc) organised a showroom of Egyptian textile producers on 8 and 9 May. This action has been framed in the project ‘Reform and Trade Development in Egypt (TRADE)’. The showroom Made in Egypt was held at the Hotel Casa Fuster in Barcelona.

The meeting brought together more than twenty Egyptian textile and clothing producers, who presented the novelties and special features of their denim, knitwear, flatwear, swimwear, sportswear, hosiery and underwear products to around a hundred brands from the fashion sector who visited the showroom. Some 80% of the visitors were from Catalonia, although there were also participants from other regions such as Madrid and Galicia. 

During the two days of the showroom, more than 500 meetings were held between the visiting brands and the Egyptian producers, who showed the attendees their industrial capacity. This project will have a continuity in which Catalan companies will visit Cairo, coinciding with the celebration of the North African Textile Producers Fair known as Destination Africa.  

The director of the Catalan Fashion Cluster, David García, explained that this initiative is the first step towards the creation of strategic alliances between companies from both countries with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the textile and clothing sector in the Euro-Mediterranean region.