The Catalan signature of jewellery bets by a new format and of image in Barcelona with a new opening in the city. The location of this point of sale finds in the number 66 of the Promenade of Catalonia.
As it has aimed the fashionable portal, 'Modaes', in this occasion, and with reason of the strategy of 'rebranding' that carries out the Catalan mark, especially from the past month of September, in which the company did official 'a próposito of evolution of mark with the exploration of new formulas of relation with the customer, the exploration of visual codes and the presentation of a new logo', what the company baptised and presented as 'Tous Next'. The new shop of Barcelona stands out for being a space diáfano, luminous, nítido and that has zones of photocorners so that users and customers can record and create exclusive content for the social networks.
In the recently premièred point of sale of Tous has incorporated besides an exclusive service of stylists, advice, taken care of jewels and personalización of products. Inside the shop, find the most popular collections of the signature.
The transformation of TOUS
Although since Alba Tous assumed the presidency of the Catalan company devoted to the jewellery TOUS has experienced a strong change to approach to the youngest public, the true, is that from 2 years ago this evolution has done more remarkable. The incorporation of new roles and the creation of charges devoted to improve and promote the experience of customer and elevate the digitalisation of the mark are some of the facts that verify it.
In 2021, for example, TOUS, incorporated to Alu Rodríguez, as new CTO and CIO. His aim and main mission inside the company was impulsar the strategy of digitalisation and transformation of the company. In his arrival, Rodríguez declared that with his entrance in the company would attain a maximum efficiency and agiilidad in the processes and would achieve the standard maxima to level of innovation. "It has arrived the moment to go a step further, keep growing and aspire to aims more ambitious."
The past 2022, TOUS presented 'Made Of Sound', an initiative with which was present in the Spring Sound Barcelona, that celebrated in June of the past year, and also in the Mad Cool Festival, a month afterwards in the Spanish capital. It installed a pop-up inmersivo in which the assistants could enjoy of different zones created to live the experience of the festival from a different point of view with an experience of mark and of purchase inmersiva and omnicanal. The directors of MANSON, in collaboration with the mark, created 7 iconic bears with aesthetics encourage reconverted to stars of the music.
The past year created also the position of Chief Of Merchandising with the incorporation of Jonathan Delfino for maximizar the sales. Anna Sió also happened to form part of the company with a new charge: 'Brand Experience Director' . The current work of Sió consists in leading to the mark with a vision interdisciplinar and special focus in the digital field, central element of the process of transformation of signs it joyero.