What is servitisation and how is it being applied in the textile and fashion sector?

14 of June of 2023
New challenges for the textile and fashion industry
New challenges for the textile and fashion industry
Servitising textile and fashion products, implementing a servitisation strategy in the product environment, creating service-oriented products, rethinking the model of access to products and rethinking how we use the products that clothe us, are som

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About the author
Clara Mallart

Clara Mallart

Area of Sustainability and Economia Circulate in Modacc

Degree in Geography from the UB. Graduate in Fashion Design from the Escuela Superior de Diseño IED. Master's Degree in Art and Design from the Escuela Superior d'Arte y Diseño HERRAMIENTA-UAB. Specialised in sustainability, eco-design and circular economy. She has worked in the textile sector developing projects, products and strategies in sustainability and textile circular economy. She is currently responsible for the Sustainability Area at MODACC, Catalan Fashion Cluster.
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