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Innovation, quality and trust: Dermaclaim's formula for success

Dermaclaim, the Valencian laboratory specialised in dermocosmetic research through in vitro tests and clinical studies, celebrates its second anniversary and claims its financial solidity with a 35 % growth projection compared to the previous year

03 of October of 2023

Dermaclaim was created with the premise of becoming a new trusted reference laboratory for the cosmetics and dermo-cosmetics industry. "From the beginning, we understood that the cornerstone of the laboratory had to be the transmission of reproducible and reliable results," explains David González, CEO and founder of the laboratory. "Despite the existence of numerous laboratories dedicated to cosmetic research, we noticed that it was not so easy to verify the quality and reliability of the results provided. This led us to believe that there was a space in the market for a laboratory that would convey 100 % confidence and transparency, providing reliable and reproducible results," adds González.

The company was established exactly two years ago, in October 2021. At its founding, it became the first Spanish laboratory to acquire the AEVA-HE V4 equipment from the French firm Eotech. This device stands out as the most complete on the market for the evaluation of skin topography in 3D, using fringe projection and stereometry techniques. This first investment was the company's first move to be at the forefront of equipment and technology for clinical studies on human volunteers.

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AEVA-HE Equipment

In addition, the laboratory facilities for working with in vitro and ex vivo studies were located in the Science Park of the University of Valencia (PCUV). This ensured access to state-of-the-art equipment and at the same time, the support of technical experts who could help us in specialised areas. "Thanks to having the lab located at the PCUV, we can access powerful equipment without incurring a prohibitive investment," explains the lab's founder. However, David González revealed that they are currently looking for new premises that would integrate both the clinical and laboratory parts, with the aim of bringing the two departments together in the same location, and only having to move to the PCUV facilities when specific projects require specific equipment or technologies. This is, in fact, the company's main objective in the short term, which will allow it to improve customer service, expanding possibilities and capabilities.

In these two years, Dermaclaim has managed to position itself as one of the reference laboratories both nationally and internationally. "We have collaborated with more than 80 clients from all over the world and we are present on all five continents". In just two years, more than 330 projects have been developed, distributed approximately 60% at clinical level and 40% at laboratory level. Among these projects, the main protagonists have been skin care, body care, hair care, nail care and make-up. However, some of them were also linked to nutricosmetics and food supplements. "Most of our projects are developed for face care, body care and make-up, but in the last year we have developed the hair care and nails care part, expanding the catalogue and offering a greater number of possibilities to our customers", David González shares with Next in Beauty.

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Images courtesy of Dermaclaim

Its strong commitment to innovation and its ability to understand the client's needs in relation to efficacy studies have been fundamental to the previous achievements. "We dedicate a large part of our investment to ensuring the traceability of each stage of a project through software that allows us to reduce possible human errors. We are very demanding in terms of reproducibility and reliability of results, especially in terms of statistical analysis. In addition to this, the internal quality standards that we have already implemented and others that are yet to be implemented allow us to be able to provide a cost-effective R&D service that customers can rely on to demonstrate the efficacy and functionality of their products and active ingredients," says the company's CEO.

Dermaclaim Has known to transmit confidence and vicinity to his providers, offering an immediate answer in front of unforeseen: "there are some appearances that a customer always sues, and no only in the field of the cosmetic, but in general, and are the confidence and the vicinity with his provider", stands out David. From the own company, exert the paper of guide for the smallest customers that also look for a technical backrest-scientific that allow them obtain a better vision of the service to a price adjusted. "This type of customers also look for a fast and economic option. Have a capacity of investment more limited and require studies more precise and with fewer experimental conditions, that allow them can put in the market his first products with a sustento scientific reliable and with graphic material for marketing and sales", shares David González with Next in Beauty.

What is common to both small and large customers is the reliability, speed and quality that customers value after receiving the services. "In Dermaclaim they will find reliability, reproducibility, speed, scientific rigour, transparency, quality and quantity of data, all accompanied by one of the best scientific reports on the market."

Dermaclaim plans to close the year 2023 with a growth of close to 35% compared to the previous year. All this, after the company doubled the turnover figure established in the most optimistic scenario in its first year of existence, approaching one million euros. Currently, the team is made up of 9 people, with the last recruitment in September. It is expected that during the year 2024, the team will incorporate two new members, one for the laboratory team and one for the clinical department.

Images courtesy of Dermaclaim

With its sights set on the future, as well as continuing to work for clients on five continents and increasing its presence in other territories, the Valencia-based laboratory aims to consolidate its position as a benchmark in the national market and to continue its development in order to reach more clients in Spain. Currently, the national market represents only 20% of Dermaclaim's total turnover, so its main strength lies in the rest of Europe and North America. Similarly, in the medium term, the company will begin its foray into safety studies, especially in vitro, in order to be able to complement the efficacy dossier with some safety protocols that will allow us to offer clients a global solution, without having to refer them to third parties to carry out the required toxicity and safety studies. "Sooner or later we will address the toxicity and safety aspect, especially at the in vitro level, with the aim of offering a comprehensive service that includes safety studies as well as efficacy and functionality studies".

As David González stated in the interview conducted by Next in Beauty, the viability of the company in the next 8-10 years is one of the priority aspects for him: "The company's objective is to establish itself as a reference laboratory at national and international level. If we continue to work as we have been doing for the past two years, we have a good chance that this will happen and that we will be able to remain in the cosmetics market for a long time". To achieve this, it is essential that the company continues to invest in state-of-the-art equipment and technology, with the aim of being able to offer customers a service with a high quality/price ratio. "We have recently added new equipment for nail assessment and a device to assess hair efficiency. We are also working on acquiring new equipment for 2D and 3D assessment, which will improve the quality of image analysis, especially in colourimetry parameters (spots, erythema, redness...)".

The next appointment? Cosmetorium. As David González acknowledged, it is an unmissable event both for Dermaclaim and for the industry in general. A new opportunity to connect with current and potential customers. They will be located at stand 314, on the lower floor. And this is not the last date they have marked on their calendar for 2023: from 7 to 9 November they will be present at Incosmetics Asia in Bangkok to publicise their services in an area where Dermaclaim is looking to gain presence.

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Images courtesy of Dermaclaim