'Aesop' make his first opening in continental China and plans the second opening the next month

Because of the 'Zero-Covid' policy of the Chinese authorities, the Brazilian group delayed its expansionist plan in the Asian region

29 of November of 2022
New shop of 'Aeroshop'
New shop of 'Aeroshop'

'Aesop', the brand of premium skincare and purchased in the year 2016 by the Brazilian group 'Nature&Co', has opened in this month of November in China its first shop. The location chosen by the company has been Shanghái. It finds specifically in the district Hengfu, in the street Dongping rehabilitated by the Chinese authorities like a new commercial axis in the city.

This first shop of the company in the Asian country has two plants, and in total accumulates a surface of 300 square metres. The new point of sale offers a space devoted exclusively to the perfumery, that have decided to identify as 'Sensorium' and have based in the great experience of his flagship store of Sydney, where this, resulted a success and convinced to the consumers.

In spite of the uncertainty and to the tension that lives in the last days in China by his politics of 'Zero-Covid', 'Aesop' follow his firm route, without fear, in the country and already has done official that before finish the 2022, will open his second shop in Shanghai. This second centre will situate in Xintiandi, a shopping centre that finds in one of the zones more crowded of the city.

Although it is his first opening in China, 'Aesop', as they indicate means of the country, already has interacted with the Chinese e-commerce through 'Tmall Global' of the that forms part from the year 2018.

The company has informed that although his presence in China has done official during this fourth quarter of the 2022, in the plans of 'Nature&Co' did not contemplate these dates. The reality is that the Brazilian group had the intention that the expansionist plan in the Asian region made during the last quarter of the past 2021, but his strategy saw truncated and forced to be delayed a year owing to the restrictions and quarantines that nowadays follow establishing in the country.

'Aesop' Is present at present in 28 markets, with more than 265 physical shops and in this 2022 has added 25 new points of sale, including Hong Kong, Seoul, Taipei and South Korea.