Boohoo Has turned into the greater chamber shareholder of Revolution Beauty after purchasing a participation of 7,1% of the social capital of the signature, as it has communicated by means of a press release in his web page.
Boohoo Group Is the company leader of regarding shopping onlines in fashionable matter and beauty in United Kingdom, and already incorporated in his catalog cosmetic products of Revolution. From Fashion United, aim to that said movement would be a sample of support and confidence by part of Boohoo to the model of business of Revolution. Boohoo Bets by Revolution and is that as it reflects in the press release, the fashionable retailer on line British has the intention to be "a shareholder of reference and a partner on a long-term basis."
The operation closed the past 12 August, and the details of as develop this agreement find in the report elaborated by Boohoo: "The investment is born of the already existent relation between Boohoo and Revolution Beauty, under which the products of Revolution Beauty sell through varied of the websites of direct available marks to the consumer of the Group, as well as in his on-line shop by departments, Debenhams."
As it indicates the agency of news Reuters, when seeming, Revolution Beauty on 11 August, day before the agreement, would have presented some countable problems signalled by his auditors that could have an impact in the global results of the company in 2022 promoting a fall of his actions in 55%.