Henkel Studies to sell its asses in Russia after its cessation of activity

Simone Bagel Trah has explained to a German newspaper that the process is near to complete

10 of January of 2023
Henkel is studying the offers of sale in Russia

As it aims the portal of information 'Fashion Network', would be near to complete the sale of its  business in the Russian country. In April 2022, just like a lot of companies, Henkel confirmed its exit of Russia after the explosion of the bellicose conflict against Ukraine, ensuring that the 2.500 employees of the company in Russia would follow working and receiving their remuneration.

The president of the council of supervision of Henkel, Simone Bagel Trah was interviewed to finals of year by the current situation of the company, that stands out by his particular familiar tradition.

Henkel was criticised in Germany by that unlike other organisations, his cessation of activity was not immediate. "I do not agree with the reports of press that say that we take too much in deciding to withdraw us. We were one of the first companies in saying, some days after the beginning of the war, that would leave to invest and do advertising in Russia. Only seven weeks after the beginning of the war, take the decision to abandon the business, but with eleven installations of local production, can not simply turn a key and go out of the country." Bagel Trah Has showed conclusive in said interview and refuses the criticisms received by part of the press and the media.

The directive has taken advantage of also to clear up how evolves the situation of the company in Russia: "we have initiated the available process. At the beginning there was a big number of interested. Now we have reduced the list to which present a decent and serious offer. The process is in course and want to complete it quickly."

Cautious evolution in China

On the other hand, Simone Bagel Trah has wanted to put the focus also on China and the growth that experiences the company in this market: "China is one of our three markets of sales more important. We are presents there, mainly, with our business of adhesive. The big majority of the production allocates to the Chinese market." Although in the last days has seen an opening intention by part of the Chinese government, Bagel Trah, explains in the interview offered to the half German that find expectant in front of the development of the events, and even, with "worry". "I have to say that if the things happens of way very critical and negative in China, probably will have problems a lot greater all over the world" commented Simone.