Shiseido Invests 100 millions in Trautec, a collagen expert

16 of August of 2022
Shiseido hace su primera inversión en una empresa china, Trautec, especializada en colageno

Shiseido announced last week through a press release, his first investment in Jiangu Trautec Medical Technology through 'The Shiseido Beauty Innovations Fund'. This first investment has reached the figure of 100 million yens, that will allocate to different areas: by a part will conform of conjoint way a strategic association with Trautec to work and investigate in areas like the R&D of products, the supply of prime matters and the marketing venues to accelerate the exploration of new areas in the functional care of the skin.

The Chinese company Trautec, founded in 2015 with the production of destined prime matters to the medical industry, also to the cosmetic industry and operates in all the chain of value.

Shiseido Beauty Innovations Fund, is the bottom of investments created by the past year by the Japanese company Shiseido that looks for new opportunities of business and innovation in Asia, and especially, in emergent companies related with the beauty and the wellness in China, as it is the case of Trautec. Another of the aims that pursues Shiseido through his investment fund is to improve his wallet of businesses in the Chinese country to satisfy the needs of diversification of the consumers and strengthen constantly his business in China.
