'The Ordinary' will expand to the Indian market

The brand that belongs to Estée Lauder could incorporate to the Indian market in the near future

01 of July of 2022
The Ordinary

The signature 'The Ordinary', property of Estée Lauder, has in mind open nearly to the Indian market. The signature 'The Ordinary' won a lot of popularity through the social networks, especially Instagram and TikTok, where a lot of of the content 'Beauty' spoke about the profits of his products and also that it was a line of products quite economic regarding the relation quality-price. It won renown in Europe and now is it doing also in India, country in which as it affirms Nicola Kilner, General Director of Deciem the number of sales goes in increase, as well as his impact in social networks: "In Instagram, Indian is of the main countries of where come from our followers. And still we are not in this market. At present we attend it from our own website of e-commerce, but send from the United Kingdom and this ocasiona weeks of demora until arriving there. And still with these problems, our sales have triplicado during the last year in Indian."

With these data, the mark is optimistic and wait that in the next 5 years, India go in in the top 3 of his main markets.