Montserrat Pedro

Cosmetic myths under debate (VI): honest marketing, the antidote to myths

Science media manager for cosmetics companies
06 of November of 2023

Since I've been collaborating with Next In Beauty, I've wanted to do my bit, with my own peculiar stamp, and unMONEY the myths promoted by dishonest marketing.

So far, I have talked about the false security that promotes homemade cosmetics, the impossible cosmetics WITHOUT CHEMICALS, the crushed sunscreens, and the most recent one, the thin line of NATURAL. With this one I wanted to give a more realistic view of its definition, since it has been manipulated and perverted to the point of satiety.

But have you thought about how these myths are born? And more importantly, what role do you play in dispelling them?

Look, the reality is that they are born of a great evil that this society has suffered for too long: ignorance.

And this has been exploited by companies that have moulded, distorted or invented information at will, and whose sole purpose has been to promote fear. And of course, in marketing, fear is a great ally of sales. Are you familiar with "pain points"? Well, fear hurts, and it hurts a lot!

Finally, since we live in the digital age, consumers can get information quickly and immediately. But do they take into account its quality, and what happens when they generate fear where there is none?

Well, that's obvious! We have been living for years, surrounded by infoxicated consumers everywhere and dishonest marketing gaining ground, while ignoring (to put it mildly) regulations 1223/2009 and 655/2013. That is, until now! Because things change and lies are so short-legged, that they are no longer enough. And even if they keep trying, I will not give up. With my MONesto marketing and digital cosmetovigilance, I am determined to put a stop to it.

But you know what the best thing is? Statistics are on my side (and yours). MINTEL said so in its study on the trends of 2023:

  • Consumers are looking for more proof that their money is well spent.
  • 75% of Spaniards agree that brands should provide evidence to validate their claims.
  • The influence of professionals and science serves to educate and provide more information to consumers.

And what say in his new study of the 2024? As they insist!

  • Consumers will not only want to know what they are putting on their skin or hair, but will expect brands to provide clear information on the benefits of actives.
  • Many will be looking for scientific evidence, backing up product claims.
  • Brands that provide research, studies or certifications that corroborate their efficacy will gain credibility and trust.
  • Showing the scientific basis for your product will help consumers feel confident that you are delivering tangible results.

And BAM, here is your role to end the reign of dishonest marketing. Because a paradigm shift is not only possible, it is necessary.

Now, more than ever, the key to change lies in everyone's communication. Because information is power! And as the consumer says, it is time for truly honest and transparent communication, which does not manipulate, nor extrapolate information, nor mislead. Simply what is, is, and what is not, is not. Getting it right should always be the only way to do things.

Because you wouldn't put a product on the market without knowing that it is well preserved. Nor would you sell an asset saying that it has been studied if it has not. Nor would you manipulate an efficacy test to obtain the result the customer wants.

For this reason, it makes no sense to talk about toxic-free or chemical-free cosmetics, or to smash parabens, aluminium or filters (just to mention some of the infinite list), or to continue giving the impression that natural cosmetics are safer and more effective. And a thousand other things, but I don't want to go on for too long...

The way we communicate must change, and it must change from the root. Yes, like a shampoo, from root to tip. Because we are ALL responsible for this change. The raw material manufacturer, the distributor, the third-party manufacturer, the consultancies, the agencies, the cosmetic brands, etc. Small, medium and large. Corporate or freelance - everyone!

And this is NOW, not tomorrow. So take science, transparency and honesty (or MONesty, as I call it) by the hand and help consumers make an informed decision.

Tell me, are you joining the truth revolution?

About the author
Montserrat Pedro

Montserrat Pedro Ràfols

Science media manager for cosmetics companies

Science media manager for cosmetics companies, which are committed to differentiating, effective and above all truthful communication.  My objective? To revolutionise marketing in the cosmetics sector with my own formula: MONesto Marketing. A unique recipe that combines enthusiasm, sincerity and the simplicity of complex things, with all the scientific-technical knowledge acquired in my professional career as head of R&D and chemistry. Find out more about her on her website:  
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