How to lead the global environmental transition of neutrality in 2050 with which it is falling... This is what pretends Europe with the famous and still unknown uncertain future that poses the Green Pact.
To go a little more in detail, and although perhaps you already know, the Parliament of the European Union (EU) in November of 2019 declared the climatic emergency and launched the road map with big ambition of the "European Green Pact" so that Europe turn into a neutral continent in the 2050. The big axes that covers are: climate, energy, transport, agriculture, environment, industry, investigation and innovation… In this so integral process and in so few words hide challenges and interests agglutinated in a total review of the foundations regulatorios known until the day of today, that will affect to our form of life of ways inimaginables. By not speaking of the artificial intelligence, but this gives for a lot of articles of opinion, so many or more like the Green Pact.
Today we will only talk about the relationship of the "European Green Pact" and what it means for lavender. Inside the industrial state and framed in the "Green Pact European" to be circulate, sustainable, free of pollution and climáticamente neutral in 2050, the substances and chemical products result essential since they form part of practically all the chains of value of the products and necessary applications to guarantee our welfare and quality of current life. The Strategy of Sustainability for the Chemicals (CSS, by his acronyms in English) is part of the Green Pact European with the aim of pollution zero.
By pollution zero understands environment and human health. And the intention is that the products can continue being safe and sustainable. And you asked you that it has to see the Strategy of Sustainability for the Chemicals with the lavender. For a lot.
All know the smell of the lavender, and perhaps know some of his properties antinflamatorias, cicatrizantes, antisépticas or relajantes according to sabiduría ancestral. But what perhaps do not know, is that this smell is a complex mix of chemicals that produce in the nature and which obtain by distillation.
For 2006 it arrived the change regulatorio that designated him REACH (Register, evaluation, permission and restriction of chemicals, by his acronyms in English), and with him, the essential oil of lavender, and all the rest of the essential oils, considers complex natural substance (NCS, for its acronyms in English). And like this it was as with the Regulation REACH, the essential oils during the last decade have had to register, and therefore create a dossier by means of scientific essays to define his properties toxicológicas, ecotoxicológicas for the human health and environment if they manufacture or matter in more than a tonne to the year. This has meant a big economic investment and of effort by part of the industry.
In case this was little, now with the new CSS that poses the Green Pact European, and the review of the Regulation CLP (classification, labeling and container, by his acronyms in English) is in discussion the validity of these dosieres REACH. Going in in detail, wants to prioritise the classification of the essential oils according to the register REACH by the components that constitute the oil. Proposal that collects like MOCS (more than a substance constituent, by his acronyms in English), and although there are scientific essays of the own essential oil. Explained of another way, this classification would base in a theoretical calculation by means of limits of generic concentration on the components of the oil, even if the scientific studies in the essential oils show that said classification is not justified. Besides, this proposal would go against of the principles stipulated by the UN: "The data of proofs or essays have priority on the value of court/limit of concentration".
The case of the essential oils only is a small grain of sand in the desert. The rest of the proposals and consequences remain to be discerned, such as the new classifications of hazards such as endocrine disruptors, the possible prohibition of microplastics, the criterion a substance - an evaluation, the concept of essentiality, the grouping of substances for restriction, factors for evaluation of mixtures, among many others.
CEFIC (European council of Federations of the Chemical Industry) has made the "Economic analysis of the impacts of the Strategy of Sustainability for the Chemicals" with the possible repercussions that can have in the chemical industry the changes proposed in the Regulation CLP and General Approach of the Risk (GRA, of his acronyms in English), two of the a lot of general changes that proposes the CSS. To way of summary, the chemical companies of the EU will lose between 47.000 and 81.000 million euros to the year between 2023 and 2040, equivalent to a reduction from among 0,3 and 0,5 points porcentuales of the GDP of the EU-27. This can carry to the loss of more than 124.000 places of work for 2040.
And if you have arrived until here your reading, now is where pose me the big interests that causes me the Green Pact European: a disruptive review of multiple European regulations, of a so hasty way and that will affect to the industry, to the society, and to the competitiveness of Europe to world-wide level with which is falling in the current economic cycle. But without forgetting the important, will be sustainable or will not be, and there is this the greatness of Europe, leading the sustainability for the welfare of the future generations and the planet.