IQS to offer a Master's Degree in Cosmetics and Perfumery

The Beauty Cluster has collaborated in the creation of the teaching plan and will be attended by both industry experts and IQS professors

27 of May of 2024
IQS Master of Cosmetics and Perfumery
IQS Master of Cosmetics and Perfumery

The Instituto Químico de Sarrià (IQS) will offer its master's degree in Cosmetics and Perfumery in the next academic year 2024-2025. The training entity has explained that it has decided to create this new master's degree due to a growing demand for highly qualified professionals in an industry that is constantly evolving, expanding and growing. 

The cosmetics, perfumery and personal care industry is a field that is constantly innovating both in terms of products and formulation and is seeking to expand into international markets. Spain has established itself as one of the main exporters of beauty products.

IQS has explained that the main objective of this new master's degree is to train professionals capable of designing new cosmetic and perfumery products, developing new manufacturing methods based on good practices, contributing to obtaining product certificates and carrying out cosmetic surveillance and safety monitoring tasks, such as, for example, the control of regulations and sustainability applied to this sector. 

The master's degree has the collaboration of the Beauty Cluster in the teaching programme and the classes will be given by experts from the cosmetics and perfumery industry and also by IQS teachers. 

The master's degree will consist of a total of 90 credits with Spanish as the preferred language, although some subjects will also be taught in English. 

The máster will conform with a total of 90 credits with the Spanish tongue like preferential language, although it also will have some subjects in English.

Students taking this IQS master's degree will have 8 hours of laboratory practice per week during the first year and will develop a final master's degree project in the second year. IQS, being constantly aware of the importance of practical training, has incorporated a series of hours that will be used for compulsory internships with companies in the sector.