The Catalan signature of products of hair salon prepairs a line of products with a composition 100% vegan. Of this way forges his commitment with the respect to the nature and to the environment following the line that marks his recent project of Tempting, that defines his director of communication, Luisa Gómez, in "60 de Salud" like a 'small revolution': "The active ingredients of this formulation act of a more effective way thanks to the revolutionary technology that have incorporated." On the other hand, Pere Periche, current CEO of the company, confirmed the synergy between the luxury and the sustainability in this new line of products: "With our new project Tempting propose the "sustainable luxury" like message and support it with actions like the reuse of containers by part of the customer, some containers that already are 75% material bio-based and some arrive to 97% of material recycled in case of the made in R-PET". This new range of hair care will go on sale from the month of September.
Periche Professional establishes new put and aims in matter of sustainability; between them, it finds the reuse of containers under the stamp I'M GREEN. Proof of his garantia regarding the incorporation of technologies and material more sustainable finds also in the service of "Refill" in the same living room of hair salon for his customers that will be effective in the next months. Periche collaborates of this way deleting plastic of an alone use and motivates the environmental commitment since "it is necessary to do partícipes to all the parts of the chain and like this strengthens the feeling of responsibility that between all can do the things much better", sentence Pere Periche.
This new range, as explained Luisa Gómez, the DirCom of Periche Professional, in the program "60 of health" in RKB, is product also to having listened the new demands: "Nowadays the society sues products more natural, with fewer chemists, more sustainable... The company and the brand has done an effort to position us in the avant-garde in this sense. We want to offer what asks us the society." On this range of products Gómez explained during the program that have tried to reduce the maximum possible the part of chemical composition in his compositions: "we look for the minimum need of this chemistry so that the product was efficient, but have incorporated a lot of natural ingredients. It treats to do products that protect the hair, are efficient, dye the hair but that do not do him badly."
Periche Professional is a brand that has very in account the care by the environment in his practices and processes, and sample of this is that his centre of production works of whole way with energia clean renewable and search in said processes of production have the most natural elements possible. "We always are looking for products and containers more sustainable. It does some months, decide that in all the processes that make is to use energy 100% renewable, have reduced our number of existences, change formulations... Our containers are reciclabes and recycled, bet by the local economy, look for providers to national level, that have grandísimos producing." Aroa Periche Has recognised that this transition to the sustainability is long and comports a cost, therefore it insisted in the importance to give small steps, but firm.