Fragrance house Eurofragance presented its active ingredient Verdenix™ at in-cosmetics Asia in Bangkok. It is the multinational's first captive ingredient with distinctive olfactory properties for perfume creation. This new ingredient counteracts odour and is found in the fragrances Eurofragance develops for brands that need to combat odour and is made from recycled material through a natural process.
A sustainable ingredient, twice recycled
Verdenix was born from the process of recycling cedarwood oil into L'Âme du Bois™ in which 60% of the material was set aside. Eurofragance R&D scientists decided to take advantage of this percentage of unused material. After an elaborate and natural treatment, the team obtained a new perfumery ingredient from the leftover liquid; this second ingredient, also recycled, was called Verdenix™.
Important advantages for manufacturers, sellers and consumers
When tested in real fragrance creations, Verdenix™ was found to have strong odour counteracting properties. This ingredient controls malodours in two complementary ways: elimination and harmonisation. When in contact with certain compounds known to be malodorous, Verdenix™ enhances their chemical elimination. In other cases, it olfactorily harmonises with the source of the malodour to reduce its perception.
Marina Melendo, R&D scientist and leader of the Verdenix™ project at Eurofragance explains: "Verdenix™ acts on two fronts, so it is effective on a broad spectrum of malodours, and produces the desired effect at extremely low doses. Low dosage and a naturally pleasant olfactory profile make it easy for perfumers to incorporate it into their fragrance compositions." Melendo adds: "The most promising attribute of Verdenix™ is its ability, together with other ingredients, to quickly eliminate certain malodours. This is what consumers want: to restore a sense of purity to a situation they find unpleasant and potentially embarrassing."
Eurofragance has demonstrated that in just over two minutes, Verdenix™ makes half of the malodour molecules (of certain compounds) undetectable by GCMS analytical equipment, and in less than six minutes the malodour virtually disappears. These results have been corroborated in sensory tests carried out in the company's laboratories.
The multinational plans to create fragrances for its customers with Verdenix™ already incorporated into the perfume formula. This means that there are no additional steps for the manufacturer: Verdenix™ offers a ready-to-use solution. More importantly, the recycled ingredient is designed to deliver on its promise in any type of product application that is positioned to combat unpleasant odours. This includes personal care products (e.g. deodorants, soaps, shower gels...) and household care products (all-purpose cleaners, laundry detergents, dishwasher liquids...).